Also In This Edition

The Kenyon College Owls clinched their first .500 season record since 2012 with a dramatic 13-12 triumph over Ohio Wesleyan University during Homecoming.

A Mutual Curiosity

Ellen Pader ’72 and Maureen St. Cyr ’04 work to end housing discrimination in Massachusetts.

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Book Shelf

Explore new releases from members of the Kenyon community.

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Kenyon in Quotes

“I’m really, really proud that I went to an institution that puts that care into making sure their students come from literally everywhere.”
— Ethan Parks ’24, KEEP Scholar

Two of Us

Stewart Peck ’74 and Renee Brandt Peck ’75 celebrate being “among the original Kenyon couples.”

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Lord Kenyon’s Founders’ Day Visit

Oct. 24, 2024

“I’m certain that my great-great-great-great grandfather would be blown away (maybe not the words he would have used) by the success of his investment, and the more I learn about Kenyon, the more I am, too.”

— Alexander Tyrell-Kenyon, Eighth Lord Kenyon and a descendent of the College’s namesake

Lord Kenyon traveled to campus to help celebrate the College’s bicentennial. During his visit, he offered praise (“I am so proud that my family name is spoken with respect and reverence with regard to this College”), advice (“buy a water flosser, it will change your life”) and even a challenge (“get Kenyon College named in a major Hollywood film. There’s a bottle of British whisky in it for whomever succeeds.”) in his Founders’ Day address.

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