Also In This Edition

The night before classes started in August, a 500-foot table covered with white linens was set up along Middle Path for a picnic of locally grown and sourced foods for students, faculty, staff and the Knox County community.

Ascension Hall overlooks Middle Path as autumn leaves begin to fall.

Tactile Education

With BrailleNote and some creative help, a sight-impaired student makes the most of Kenyon.

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Bookend Love

Kenyon couple champion mysteries and authors at their Ann Arbor bookstore.

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Ice Escapade

With a little help from the Lords football team, President Sean Decatur answered an Ice Bucket Challenge from Adam Weinberg, the president of Denison University. The challenge, a viral phenomenon launched to raise money for research into ALS, required a reply within 24 hours, a challenge to three others, and a shower of ice water. The Lords broke from their first practice at McBride Field to oblige the president with a blast of ice water—followed by full-throated cheers.

Flight Time

Katharine Sears '95 finds satisfaction specializing in airplane weapons and sensor systems.

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Treasures in Glass

For the College’s limited edition book on the literary windows of the Great Hall in Peirce Hall, Professor of English Jennifer Clarvoe wrote about “Song of the Open Road,” Walt Whitman’s celebration of American character and freedom.

Armed with Confidence

Lords football coach Chris Monfiletto took a .500 record into his third season: "Our only expectation for our team is that we approach each day armed with the confidence of having used adversity as an opportunity for improvement. If we can empower the leaders on the team to hold themselves accountable for recognizing these growth factors, then our small successes will snowball and enable our players to do some special things."

Hip to be Square

Math ruled at the Independence Day parade in Gambier.

Professor of Math Judy Holdener marshaled a dozen Summer Science Scholars, who created a balloon sculpture of a Sierpinski tetrahedron, a three-dimensional fractal. Holdener has for years hoped to enter a “float” in the parade, and this year was spurred on by math major Robin Belton ’16.

Class Notes

Recent Class Notes

Jenna M. Korns and her husband, Brandon, welcomed a son, Flynn Jasper Korns, on Sept. 25. “While I’m still getting used to saying that I have a son, we are over the moon and soaking in all of the newborn snuggles!”


Lelia J. Dusthimer joined the Biden-Harris administra-tion as special assistant to the International Trade Administration. “Balancing this while trying to finish my last year of grad school at Georgetown is challenging,” L.J. notes. “I’m thankfully kept sane by my amazing Class of 2019 friends.”


Maraleen D. Shields left private practice after nearly 20 years to become the second executive director of the Pennsylvania Interbranch Commission for Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in its 20-year history. “An incredible opportunity to repurpose skills I developed as a trial attorney to advocate for meaningful change in Pennsylvania on a broad range of issues,” she explains. She also ran a half-marathon in November, her third in two years. “Hoping to break 1:40. Also continuing to expand my Spanish skills with two little training/practice partners, my kids Cole (13) and Sage (7).” She was appointed to Kenyon’s Board of Trustees in April.

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