Also In This Edition

On April 30, 2022, the Village of Gambier and the entire Kenyon community celebrated a once-a-century occasion: 4.30.22 Day.

4.30.22 Day parade participants gather in front of the Village Market before starting on their route.

Happy Days

A conversation with Beimnet Beyene “Happy” Kassaye ’23.

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Kenyon in Quotes

“I have come to expect that race will be weaponized to undermine not only a leader’s authority but also that leader’s very humanity and sense of belonging.”
—President Sean Decatur in a Chronicle of Higher Education essay on the invisible toll of racist harassment

Kenyon in Quotes

“You are what our species needs. Fresh thinkers; brave souls; explorers of ideas. Wayward birds, venturing into unknown skies, unafraid of unconventional thinking and uncommon wisdom.” ⁠
—Sheila Coronel H’22 at Kenyon’s 194th Commencement

One of Us

One of the first women to enroll at Kenyon, Susan Emery McGannon ’72 is accustomed to blazing trails…

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Hot Takes

Color Commentary

To celebrate the once-a-century holiday of 4.30.22 Day, Kenyon’s social media accounts posted archival photos of Gambier, all in black and white, honoring the village’s history. In the comments of a 1996 photo of the Red Door Cafe, one alum wrote "We had color film in the '90s. I’m not THAT old."

Paws on Parade

On the last day spring semester classes, the Epsilon Delta Mu sorority brought cheer (and a flock of wagging tails) to Middle Path by putting on a dog parade. Faculty, staff and community members brought over a dozen canines to march across campus in a mood-lifting promenade. As Assistant Professor of Biology Natalie Wright noted on Twitter, “The dogs had to stop every few feet to accept pets from students.

A Free-for-Owl

Despite winning with a clear majority of the vote, social media had its share of naysayers regarding the choice of Kenyon’s new moniker, the Owls. How did the pro-owl contingent respond? With many, many hoots. 

Class Notes

Recent Class Notes

John N. Cannon, Shaker Heights, Ohio, recovered well from total knee replacement in the spring and summer, and now needs a hip replacement. But after Oktoberfest, he headed off to Austria and Prague.


“I finally escaped Florida after four years of medical school and started psychiatry residency at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque! It’s been a wild four months. I’ve jumped between rotations at an in-patient psych unit, the emergency room, pediatric urgent care and, most recently, the psychiatric emergency room. Never a dull day out here — for better and for worse some-times. It was wonderful catching up with folks at the Reunion. The timing was just about perfect for me — I’d just graduated from medical school, said goodbye to dozens of folks I love, and prepared for another cross-country move. I had also been waiting to return to Kenyon to truly grieve Avery Campos. Being with so many of you was healing in a way that is difficult to succinctly describe.”

John H. Wilhelm


Elizabeth C. Wiener, her husband and three kids now live in Los Angeles, enjoying epic road trips, beach days and Disneyland. Lizzy is a tenure-track assistant professor of politics at Occidental College.

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